Explore the ruins

Fort St. Joseph National Historic Site

Once the most westerly fort in Upper Canada, Fort St. Joseph is now a fascinating historic ruin. Explore the foundations and ruins of the Fort and its surrounding community, and learn more about the people who lived here. A hike along the woodland trails surrounding the fort may offer glimpses of more structures yet to be uncovered. 

An important Canadian archaeological site, the ruins of the limestone building foundations that were once Fort St. Joseph, make a fascinating tour for any history buff. Let a well-informed Parks interpreter/guide explain the significance of the fort’s many buildings and show you the mysterious chimney, an iconic feature of the site whose presence cannot be explained through archaeological investigations. Wander the path to the shore where the wharf was located and follow it to see where long ago civilian homes once stood. Watch the freighters on the St. Marys River, passing the island where the limestone was quarried for the fort and imagine this place as it was two hundred years ago, the most isolated, westerly outpost of British North America.

June through September.

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